The Most Intelligent Selection - Gold Coast

Overcoming Challenges and Inspiring Change - A Conversation with TikTok sensation, Kyle Will Inspire

Paul Collins

Podcast Episode 85: Overcoming Challenges and Inspiring Change - A Conversation with Kyle Will Inspire

In Episode 85 of The Most Intelligent Selection Podcast, we have the privilege of introducing you to the incredible Kyle Will Inspire, a TikTok sensation, advocate for people living with disabilities, and a source of inspiration for anyone looking to lead a healthier, happier life. Kyle's journey is nothing short of remarkable, and his unwavering positivity will leave you feeling motivated to make positive changes in your life.

Turning Adversity into Inspiration: Kyle's Remarkable Story

Kyle Will Inspire's story begins with a diagnosis of a rare, 1 in 3 million disease that affects his hands and legs, requiring him to wear leg braces. Despite facing this significant challenge, Kyle's infectious energy and positivity shine through. Join us as he shares his journey from a place of unhealthiness and overwork to his incredible transformation into a beacon of inspiration for countless others.

Advocating for a Healthier Lifestyle and Disabilities Awareness

With a substantial following on TikTok, Kyle uses his platform to advocate for both a healthier lifestyle and disabilities awareness. He discusses the importance of taking small steps to positive change, changing perspectives, and creating a better world.

Challenges and Triumphs: Kyle's Journey to Wellness

In this episode, Kyle opens up about the challenges he's faced and the incredible successes he's achieved. His journey serves as a powerful reminder that with determination and a positive mindset, anything is possible.

Living Better: Kyle's Tips for a Healthier, Happier Life

If you're looking for guidance on living a better life, Kyle has a wealth of wisdom to share. He provides practical tips and insights on how to improve your well-being, embrace a positive outlook, and overcome obstacles.

Infectious Energy and Positivity

Kyle Will Inspire isn't just his name; it's a lifestyle. His infectious energy and positivity radiate throughout this episode, leaving you feeling motivated and ready to make positive changes in your own life.

Embrace the Inspiration: Make Positive Changes Today

This episode is a reminder that no matter the challenges you face, you have the power to transform your life. Join us for an uplifting conversation with Kyle Will Inspire and discover how you can take the first step towards living a healthier, happier life.

Visit Kyle's TikTok here.
Visit Kyle's Instagram here.
Visit Kyle's Website here.

Paul Collins:

Hello, Paul here and welcome to the podcast, the Most Intelligent Selection podcast. We are here on the beautiful Gold Coast Australia, so for the next 30 minutes or so, I'll be your little ray of sunshine, I'll be chatting with a variety of fascinating individuals, from small business owners to coaches and everything in between. We'll be diving deep into their personal journeys, the challenges they've faced and the strategies they've used to overcome them. Will also be getting a firsthand look at their success stories, discovering the key factors that help them achieve their goals and unlock their full potential.

Kyle Will TV:

So if you're out there listening and you want to start getting fit and healthy, well, it starts with

Paul Collins:

alright, hello and welcome to episode 85 of the Most Intelligent Selection Podcast, today with Kyle Will. Kyle, now, I don't actually know what it is you do, except some very cool videos that I've seen, very inspirational, on Instagram, and a friend of mine who owns a restaurant asked me to reach out to you to make a video and promote his restaurant, which we're gonna do after this. That's exciting. So, it's really good. Usually I ask the guests to introduce themselves after I've done so, which is a disastrous way to start an interview. But there you go. So would you mind to, uh, introduce yourself to me? No problem.

Kyle Will TV:

Um, well I am Kyle Willinspire. Um, I'm a healthy lifestyle and disability advocate. So I've spent the last two years building my brand, utilizing social media. Um, built a lot of strong connections and a strong following over that time. Uh, pretty much my whole purpose is to try and, you know, get people into the healthy lifestyle and understand that there is no limitations in this life. Do, just

Paul Collins:

do whatever you want to do. Wow. All right, mate. So we'll get straight into it. Did you always want to be an advocate? Let's say influencer because my social media wasn't around when we were kids, you know, advocate, um, for people to live healthier lives and to. Okay. Advocate for those with disabilities.

Kyle Will TV:

Uh, most definitely not. No. Okay. Most definitely not. And that is the a hundred percent honest truth. I was actually a hundred and one kilos, uh, a few years ago, um, at five foot six, just to add some, you know, strength to that. So I was quite a big boy, um, never really cared about my health. I kind of just let it decline as my condition I have declines me as I get CMT or Charcot Marie Tooth. Which is, um, very, very rare, um, one of 3 million in the world. Whoa. Yep. If you're going to do something, do it, go, go hard. Go and be quite unique. I, um, yeah, so I've lived my whole life with that, diagnosed at age 5. And it's a neuromuscular disease that affects the outer extremities. So, hands and feet. Can't move my feet, can move them with my brain, but can't move them, um, Like they just don't move. Okay. And, uh, with my hands, they get about 15 percent use because the neural pathways are damaged. So that's how it

Paul Collins:

works. So how does that come about or is it just luck of the draw?

Kyle Will TV:

So if your two parents both have the defective gene, you then pass it on to the child. Whereas, if one did and one didn't, it'll be okay. They become a carrier, so I got the lucky dip.

Paul Collins:

Yeah, so was that the purpose, the reason, not the purpose, the reason why you let your health decline and the weight go up, because you were a little bit like... This is horrible.

Kyle Will TV:

Kind of, but like not really at the same time. It was kind of just like, I just didn't care. And I didn't reveal my disability to people as much as I do now. Basically, I stayed very hidden. I wore pants up until I was 32. Like every summer, I would always be in pants. So people would never see my leg braces. Sorry


Paul Collins:

I'm from England and pants means something different. Oh, okay. I was always wearing long pants. Trousers? Okay, I know pants now. Yeah, I was always wearing long pants. I wear pants all the time anyway.

Kyle Will TV:

And yeah, like I never revealed that until a few, I was actually maybe a 33. So in 2022, I revealed my leg braces to the world for the first time. And the reaction was very like. And good. And I completely different than what you thought it would be completely judged all the time. Um, we, which may be true, but not, it was not projected to me when I was judged for it. So that was nice. Um, and yeah, being overweight and all that stuff all the time, just a KFC, ate whatever I wanted. I was very money driven. I used to just work my ass off in everything I did. And. Like, I mean, I was good at it, but I was just dying. Like, you know, like, nothing was, my body was just not functioning as it should. It was very hard to walk five minutes without being in extreme pain and stuff like that. I just would just keep working and whatever, work through it. Until one day I basically woke up and just went. Bro, you got to fix this now. You got to fix it now. What was the impetus to that? They just, I just think it was just the last straw. I just woke up one day and I just felt just horrible. And I was like, I can't keep living this way. I just can't do it anymore. So I kind of felt like I was kind of having like a mini mental breakdown and I moved across the country. I moved to Darwin and, uh, just focused on my health. Yeah, I closed my company and just moved to Darwin. What was your company? I had an advertising company called KI Advertising. That's why you're so good at this thing. Yeah, well, it was kind of the precursor to this sort of stuff.

Paul Collins:

Yeah. A reason for everything. Exactly.

Kyle Will TV:

I got a lot of skill and experience back then doing that. I didn't actually do any of the videos myself back then. I just ran all the scripts and stuff and then had videographers and editors and stuff like that. And then I learned to do it myself eventually. Okay. Yeah. But when I focused on my health, I didn't even think I was going to become like, you know A healthy lifestyle advocate. I was just like doing it and you know people are saying bro what you're doing is crazy and i'm like, what do you mean you lost 40 kilos, bro, and i'm like So and they're like it's really inspiring Oh, is it? Oh, okay. All right. I better make an instagram channel. I should do something about that Yeah, and like then my business mind kicked back in

Paul Collins:

That kind of answers my next question and the one afterwards, which is lovely. The next question is going to be what, what was your biggest challenge? Um, and how did you overcome it? And it seems that that was probably a big challenge having a one in three million disease. And then being very successful, it would seem successful, but I won't assume the answer. Cause that would be really bad. What has been your biggest

Kyle Will TV:

challenge? My biggest challenge, um, I want to say probably my biggest challenge was coming to terms with my disability as such. So coming to terms with it in a sense of Like going, I have to own this. Like I used to just like, I used to drift cars and stuff as well. Right. So people that I knew, people didn't even know, they just like, because they never saw my leg braces, they didn't know I was drifting with leg braces. Like they would have been like, Whoa, that's crazy now. They don't even think of it like that. I was just like, I'm just doing it, man. I just do whatever. How did that happen? Oh, it

Paul Collins:

was a drifting accident. So now I have to wear leg braces. It's

Kyle Will TV:

actually funny you say that because I used to lie to anyone who would ask me, like, bro, what's wrong with you? I seen you have a limp. And I'd be like. Yeah, I was actually in a quad bike accident when I was younger, because I was so ashamed of being paired up with it. Yeah. Cause that's cool. Yeah, exactly. That's like, that's like, Oh bro, you messed up. Whatever. Now you live with it. But then being born with it isn't as cool. You know what I mean? So it just kind of buffered me a little bit. Wow.

Paul Collins:

People are weird, man. I know. Me too. Yeah. Included. I'm a person. I'm equally weird. Bloody hell. And was that, can you come into terms of that part, was when you showed the world?

Kyle Will TV:

Um, basically that was me just going, you know what, I'm not doing another summer in long pants. I'm just not doing

Paul Collins:

it. So the aircon broke, you're in, going to Darwin, it's hot there. Yeah, yeah. Okay, fair play. It kind of got like that, yeah. So how was it that you overcame that then, this long life of, Um, hiding from people and being unhappy with that challenge, I suppose, obviously,

Kyle Will TV:

I think it all came in for the, um, the change to become healthy. I was like, once I became healthy, I felt way less ashamed of myself as a person. I was like, okay, I'm looking good. I want this, like, you know what I mean? And like pants can only take you so far. So I'm like, you know, I need to start wearing shorts and stuff like that. And then when I started to, I'm like, I'm okay. And then I just kind of like I put up a post and it got like a heap of likes like on Facebook or something when I used to use Facebook and yeah, I was like, okay, we're on here. This doesn't feel so bad. Wow.

Paul Collins:

Yeah. So you could hide your legs with pants, right? But you said it affects your hands as well. Yeah. And now possibly visible. Yeah. But how did you hide that then? You can't wear gloves all the time, could you? Well, it was super

Kyle Will TV:

easy to... Pretty much just have your hands always away or hands together or whatever like that, like a lot of the time, like it's like, you're doing something in busy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you see the legs, it's then easier to spot the hands, but if you don't see the legs, you know, you're not really looking for a problem. If a dude, you know, like me, kind of like, just kind of hiding it. You're not, you're not kind of looking for it. I saw a

Paul Collins:

documentary of Michael J. Fox and as his disability was getting stronger, he would always have something in his hand, a newspaper. Some pills that his character would take, but really it was for him, pizza, whatever it was. Mm-hmm. just to hide that

Kyle Will TV:

fact. Mm-hmm. I'm constantly doing this, like always just peeling my hands back, just constantly straight. And is that

Paul Collins:

like beneficial? It feel good as

Kyle Will TV:

well? It feels really beneficial, yeah. To keep them not wanting to curl over. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And so then at that time too, if I'm just like doing that, like it just doesn't like too much. People just think you

Paul Collins:

are just doing, doing just my

Kyle Will TV:

hands. It's a d h, adhd, whatever, you know? I mean, there's plenty of ways you can mask things if you want to. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Paul Collins:

Wow, that is quite the challenge. I can imagine it has been. Yeah. And, and what's been your biggest

Kyle Will TV:

success? Every day is a success really in my mind, every day I get to wake up is a fantastic success. That's like literally what keeps me driven is every single day because I'm like so grateful I get another day. So I would say my biggest success is being alive as corny or lame as that may sound but I love being alive Maybe that should be more

Paul Collins:

people's biggest success. It could be I hope it is. Yeah, but you did say the weight loss as well

Kyle Will TV:

Yeah, the weight

Paul Collins:

loss was probably goes a long way to feeling grateful,

Kyle Will TV:

right? Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I mean it was the evolution of myself when I began to lose the weight So it would be my biggest success is reinventing myself as a person Being grateful for things, being respectful for things, having integrity, building all this up as a person, not saying I was a crappy person before, but I'm 10 times the person I was before, since getting fit.

Paul Collins:

Fitter, healthier, and your outlook, and potentially how you treat other people? I don't know, your

Kyle Will TV:

thought process? A hundred percent, everything changed. Um, once the gratitude sat in and everything, it was just like, just everything changes, everything. You know, before, you know, people take a lot of things for granted. I took everything for granted. Like, even though, You know, you may look at me as a perspective is not good, you know, like I wasn't born normal as such But it's still so grateful to be here man. Like it's huge huge being here.

Paul Collins:

I think that might be Oftentimes more the people that have these challenges Yeah end up being more grateful and you have a Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. They have their own challenges, obviously. Of course. Of

Kyle Will TV:

course. Everybody has, everybody wears leg braces, man. They're just some you can't see. Oh,

Paul Collins:

now that's got to be a tagline somewhere, isn't it? At the bottom of your post. Yeah. On this maybe. For sure. Do it. All right. and so how, how did you get to that, uh, where you are now of daily gratitude and feeling, wow, I'm alive. Like, I know why. Yeah. Because I, I can't imagine anyone. Well, I'm trying to do that too. I didn't, but yeah, I'm trying maybe not to your level. Yeah, but how do you do that? You wake up and you're like, oh my God, another

Kyle Will TV:

day. Well, pretty much I, I wake up at 4 55 every day. Um, whether it be with the alarm or not, most days without the alarm, but the second I open my eyes, I'm just like. It just kind of sets over me. I'm like, all right, here we go again. All right. And it's kind of like, I don't know, you can kind of picture it like an amusement park. You have no idea what like rides you're gonna be going on today. It could be good and bad. You don't know, but it's still exciting. I'm excited every day when I get up. Does that come

Paul Collins:

from a book that you've read or a person that you listen to, a podcast that you listen to? Maybe this one. Um, or it was just in you?

Kyle Will TV:

Just in me, I think, yeah. Wow. Like, I, I, I watch, like I watch influential, inspirational people and stuff online. Um, like I love David Goggins and stuff like that. I love everything he's about, like he just, he really does push me to be better. Uh, but um, when it comes to people asking me, like, who's your biggest inspiration, for example, I, I kind of just say I back myself on that. Like I have to, I have to back myself every day. Like, you know, I'm like, I'm the one that's getting me up. I'm the one that's making me do those things. I'm the one staying disciplined. So I look up to those people that are doing the same thing as me, but I, I have to back myself on that one. Wow. Are you going to run

Paul Collins:

a hundred K's? David Goggins will be upset.

Kyle Will TV:

I might have to now.

Paul Collins:

No way. He can shout at me all he likes, but I'm not running a hundred. He can carry the boats. Yeah. But he is, you know, I'm incredibly inspirational in that regard. Is this a business? This inspirational thing is okay. So how, how does this business? Help people, of course I can put two and two together and kind of work out that you're inspiring people, but in your words, how does your brand and your business help people? Let's say living on the Gold Coast, but potentially around the world, right? We are on Instagram.

Kyle Will TV:

Well, it's all in the buildup of my plan as such, I guess. But, um, at the moment I post videos for free with knowledge and information of my life. So pretty much things I overcome. Um, also like motivational type things that may help other people also like helpful things in regards to food and health, just kind of like tips here and there, things I've learned along the way that I think that could benefit other people. And then in the terms of like monetizing it, I have a few brand sponsors, which then pay me, you know, from selling stuff for them. Sure. I then connect with other big companies as well. Do videos for them, once off videos, stuff like that, that gets me paid as well. Um, And I, yeah, I'm working closely with companies with products mainly, is the, mainly where I'm at. Do you need Nissan to come on board? Oh mate, imagine.

Paul Collins:

Imagine. So what are you, he says he got companies and then it was something else, but I rudely

Kyle Will TV:

interrupted you. No, that's fine. So I, um, I, the things I'll be doing too, I'll be doing like paid series as well. So on Tik TOK, you can actually do series. So I'll be doing like weight loss series, like how to lose weight, just things I've learned, whether how to meditate, how to utilize breath work, there'll be a series like that coming, which will generate me more income. I generate money from my Tik TOK live streams as well. So I have a subscription. Platform on there. Basically they can subscribe to the live. I give back free gifts and stuff for them supporting me So i'll be giving away pre workouts and supplements like that But yeah, pretty much the main way I make money is connecting with bigger businesses them paying me to do videos with them I'm currently working. I have a trial with a very big company right now that I can't Um, name, but if it all goes well, this could be the absolute financial game changer for me ever. Wow. Yeah. So no, no

Paul Collins:

doubt it will

Kyle Will TV:

happen, mate. Everybody out there manifested for me. It's already

Paul Collins:

done. Yeah. There you go. Fantastic. Yeah. How cool is that? And a lot of people will possibly see your story and particularly when this big company comes on board. Right. No doubt it will. Yeah. And then you, your life has

Kyle Will TV:

changed. My life will change. My life will change. Forever and I will change many lives from this situation people will see that Oh 100

Paul Collins:

like and they'll be jealous because you've got all that money.

Kyle Will TV:

So some people you know what they're gonna do They're gonna go. Oh my god, this guy just just hit it lucky and they just don't look at the last 35 years. 30 odd years. Yeah.

Paul Collins:

Of just grinding dodgy legs and all that bother. Mm-hmm. And people wouldn't go through that, would they? No. They wouldn't go through your life to get what you've got? Well, that's potentially,

Kyle Will TV:

yeah. That's not some

Paul Collins:

may. Maybe they would. Yeah. I don't, who should I judge what people would do? Um, but I am a mid lady English man, so I will judge. Yeah. judge. All you'd like Oh my God. Anyway. Um, How about people living on the Gold Coast, and I guess around the world again, how can they help your brand?

Kyle Will TV:

Um, I guess just following my socials, I guess, really just supporting me in what I do, like every like, comment, share and all that kind of helps me grow, you know, on the whole, like, um, also if there's any sort of events that I could come to, I'd love to be coming to any sort of Gold Coast community type events. Um, I do want to get into public speaking and stuff like that. I really want to speak to the younger generation, especially kids with disabilities. Um, I want to change their mindset from an early age. I never had the problem with my mindset from an early age. I was always told, no, do it. Like, just give it a shot. Doesn't matter what it is. Thank you. And I want other kids to grow with that mindset because it will help them develop. Huge thing. Very cool for me. Very, very close to my heart.

Paul Collins:

So like, and subscribe and boost the algorithm to my life. Come on,

Kyle Will TV:

TikTok, Instagram, all that sort of stuff.

Paul Collins:

Come on, everything. I feel almost like an influencer myself, Kyle, just by being in your presence. I am fantastic. Yeah, that's exactly right. Now, what do you wish you'd known when you were starting out? Ooh,

Kyle Will TV:

I'd say this business or. Like starting out what?

Paul Collins:

I guess the main one is this, uh, new push on social, but it's your story, so it could be wherever you want to go. How far back?

Kyle Will TV:

Um, I guess I wish I knew more about Um, uh, being healthier sooner, because it's probably, if you were going to ask me what my biggest regret was, and I don't have regrets, but this is like my, one of my biggest things is not looking after my health sooner. So I wish I knew more about it. I wish I understood it better, which is why I really like to push out the tips and things I'm learning and have learned over the years. Because if someone reads or watches something I've done and they go, that then changes their life and they get healthier, that to me is a win. I love that. I never had anyone I watched. Enough to gave me the education to start losing weight and start looking after myself Like, you know people just think eating less is going to be healthier and stuff. They don't they don't know the intricacies

Paul Collins:

See one piece of KFC. Yeah. Yeah Exactly, you know

Kyle Will TV:

stuff like that. It's just yeah, there's so much out there and it's so complicated and so saturated out there for people I like to simplify it I like to make it so much easier for them because it was never easy for me. It took me my whole life to figure it out

Paul Collins:

very cool, man, very cool You are full of energy, we could go a million miles an hour it seems, from the moment I met you outside it's just, let's go, um, what is it that makes you feel inspired, or like your best self? I know you said you wake up every day and you feel great, it's like a theme park, what is it?

Kyle Will TV:

Um, well, just hitting my goals, I guess, like, like win the day straight away by starting out, like I start my day with a 45 minute walk every day. So knowing if I get that in, at least I know how my fitness didn't tune to some extent, if I don't manage to get the gym, depending on how busy my day is. I do hit the gym four to five days a week at the moment. So it's just that, you know, as long as you can win the day straight off the bat, that is one of the things that keeps me going. Like, you know, you need to. You just need to have that win straight away, you know, and that, that walk really does that, you know, no podcast, no music, just your own thoughts. And then I track my notes when I do it. It's really like a really good way to start the day. Just that in

Paul Collins:

nature, wherever

Kyle Will TV:

it might be. I actually walked to movie world every morning because I live right next to it. Yeah,

Paul Collins:

right. Fantastic. Yeah. Okay. So that walk, that sort of gets the juices flowing, let's say, and you've, you've ticked the box as well. Yeah,

Kyle Will TV:

feel good endorphins come from that straight away. And that's the thing I guess that people might not understand that haven't got fit and healthy yet. They don't understand that feel good chemical. It's not, it's not about how you look. It's about how you feel and you'll feel so good after it, even though it's so, seems so insignificant, but it's not.

Paul Collins:

Is that around five o'clock in the morning you get that walk in? Yeah.

Kyle Will TV:

Yeah. Great time. Between five and six. Yeah. Fantastic.

Paul Collins:

Thank God for my dog. He's at the door waking me up. Let's go out and he doesn't always get there that time Yeah, I will admit Kyle. I'm not out. I'm not trying to beat you. No, they're at 5 in the morning sometimes, but really yeah and what would be for the people that maybe they're not, you know in a real bad spot hopefully they're not but they'd like to take positive action and More control of their life and maybe start to get fit or do whatever it is to move in the right direction What would be a success strategy habit or tip that you could share with those people? It's

Kyle Will TV:

actually so easy I love this question. I love this question. So One problem I always faced is I always bite off more than I can chew. I will always dive in no deep so fast and I always I always ended up failing because I went in too hard too fast So if you're out there listening and you want to start getting fit and healthy, well, it starts with the tiny little change on day one, don't, don't start Monday if it's, you know, whatever day January 1st, January 1st, you start today and you're like, Oh, but that seems overwhelming. I wanted to get KFC today or whatever. It doesn't matter on a Tuesday when it's special, it could be as simple as go for a five minute walk on that day. One. Go for a five minute walk, come back, have that sense of accomplishment, and then have yourself a little notepad and be like, you know what, I'm going to try and do one five minute walk a day, right? Maybe, maybe three five minute walks a week actually, let's not overcomplicate it, let's make it simpler, right? Once you check those off, you're going to be like, oh, that feels alright, and you might just start doing it more, maybe you'll increase it to ten, so on and so forth. But then, you know, maybe you're eating KFC seven times a week, have it six. Like that's the incremental changes that will make you a better, healthier person. Not i'm starting this crash diet on monday and i'm gonna go to the gym seven days a week and I'm not eating chocolate anymore. And do you think that's gonna work? That's a terrible

Paul Collins:

rule. Don't eat chocolate anymore I've failed that more times than I care to imagine

Kyle Will TV:

But you know what? I mean people got to relate to that. I know I know that's me every time boom fall in And then fail

Paul Collins:

do you still do that now in some things?

Kyle Will TV:

I put on video let's do all of it pull myself up now. I pull myself up most of the time I mean i'm human. I may still do it here and there um, but I most of the time pull myself up and go, bro, relax, do it this way. And then you're like, Oh God, that makes so much more sense. Take your own advice. Way more chance of success.

Paul Collins:

Listen to your own podcast. Read your own book. Yeah, for real. Wow. I want to go drifting with you. Yeah, let's go. I've never been drifting. Oh, mate. Um, I did have a skyline. Yeah, you did. It wasn't the core. It said skyline on it. Okay. But it was a four door automatic skyline. It's still cool. Yeah, that's right. The name is cool. But I've never been drifting. I would love to go drifting. Oh, we will go. Let's put that out there. We will go. Not so subtle hint. We will go. Not a hint at all, was it? Anyway, Kyle, what are you curious about right now?

Kyle Will TV:

Hmm. Um. The

Paul Collins:

future okay

Kyle Will TV:

the future of oh just everything the world where where I'm going to go like Um, I've just like I have like so many things I want to do, you know I mean, I'm just so curious when it's gonna pan out how it's gonna pan out who I'm gonna inspire I'm gonna meet like all these sort of things. Can you share

Paul Collins:

any of those things that you? Have you got so many things you'd like to do? Can you share those? Or are they on the, you know, their secret, the Patreon subscribers can get access to those.

Kyle Will TV:

No, it's not too secret. Well, one of them is actually pretty cool. Um, I got invited to go to America in August next year to go to a camp called Camp Footprint, which is for kids with CMT, so my condition. Super. Amazing thing they want me to come and be a counselor over there for a week Wow, and they're gonna pay for my flight to go and I just got to work the rest out myself Totally cool. Whatever fantastic to be so aligned with what I was thinking that I had not put out into the universe yet That I was wanted to help Kids, you know, be more motivated, driven, build a mindset from a young age, and then it came to me. What a surprise. Yeah. So stuff like that. I want to go to Thailand. I'd love to go to Thailand for a trip and just focus on my fitness for like a couple of weeks straight. I know I focus on it here, but I mean, like really dial it in, and you can do that much cheaper there than you can here. Sure.

Paul Collins:

Yeah. You mean get other experts in?

Kyle Will TV:

Coaches for everything I do and I want to have all the best food and I'll have everything dialed in my cub, recovery and just see how I can, what I can achieve in that time. That's like, not like a holiday and go on sightseeing. I want to go and get real fit. Yeah.

Paul Collins:

Yeah. Maybe the, uh, health retreat. Yeah, the kyle will health retreat then you other people can pay for it another thing i would love to

Kyle Will TV:

do yet Be

Paul Collins:

inspired and you're at the top of the tree. Yeah, that would be cool. Wow How many kids would be at this camp in america with cntx? It's quite

Kyle Will TV:

rare You said i'm gonna say it's probably at least 50, but I don't know Yeah, well one in three million, didn't you say? Yeah, i'm one in three million. Yeah Blimey, I know that's it. That is 0. 1. I think it is something unbelievable.

Paul Collins:

Kyle I've only got a few left because there's, you go a million miles an hour. I'm so sorry. No, not, don't be sorry. When I'm editing podcast, like I speak generally quite slowly interviewing people and I have to put it on like double speed. Oh, really? Yeah. Cause I'm so bloody slow. So then I listen to them like one and a half or two speed as well. Anyway, when I listened to podcasts, um, so it's good. Cause you speak at double speed, so I love it. Potentially the coffee. Maybe, maybe. Um, Kyle, what did your childhood smell like?

Kyle Will TV:

Okay, what did it smell like? Mm. Mm, okay. Can you give me an example of somehow someone else has answered this?

Paul Collins:

Yeah. Often times it would be things like cut grass or roast dinners. Uh, one was salt water and petrol. Mm hmm. Okay. The other one was motorbikes. You know that the smell of yeah, whatever it was. Mm hmm. I get petrol again. I suppose I think somebody said cigarettes and petrol Richard's a dangerous combination and probably not a good one for your childhood, but you want together? No, I guess not Those sorts of things.

Kyle Will TV:

Okay, definitely definitely petrol. I did a lot of stuff like that when I was a kid as well I was always in like sprint cars like soaping across dirt sprint cars, quad bikes stuff like that when I was a kid, Exactly. Exactly. That's why the story checks out as well. Festival circle. Yeah. You know, if you're going to make a lie, it's got to, it's got to work. That's why I'm a terrible liar now. So petrol.

Paul Collins:

Racing cars, quad bikes,

Kyle Will TV:

these sorts of things. I was out in nature quite a lot. I was very, like, explorative. I used to ride horses. So yeah, like animals. Does it smell like animals? What else have we got? There's quite a few smells mate. Yeah, well there's so many of them. It's like, oh, horse poo. Yeah, cause I used to pick that up and sell it. Um. I sell it out front of my house, yeah. You didn't have a lemonade stand, you had a horse

Paul Collins:

poo stand. Dead set. How much horse p

Kyle Will TV:

did you sell? Uh, about three, four bags a week. Yeah. And that's$3 50 bags. It was All right. Pretty money. Pretty good. Pocket money.

Paul Collins:

you're quite the entrepreneur from a young age, weren't you? I was Where, where was this that you were serving? Were you, were the king of horse p

Kyle Will TV:

uh, Boal, new South Wales. Boal. Yeah. So very far away, down like Bateman's Bay region. Okay. South Coast, yeah. Wow.

Paul Collins:

Fantastic mate. that's pretty much the questions and now we are into your favorite things.

Kyle Will TV:

My favorite thing is Jim. Well,


Paul Collins:

Okay. We're at the bat. I've got other things. Okay. About that. So you, you live in, can we say where you live or are you go swarmed with loads of people? You said movie world, so Yeah, you, you

Kyle Will TV:

just won't find me. Helen's well, right? Yeah,

Paul Collins:

Oh, I dunno mate. People on the internet can do some true amazing, amazing things. I won't say weird things, but I did, didn't I? Um, what's your favorite thing to do in Helens

Kyle Will TV:

Va? In Helens Vale? I guess my walks are probably my favorite thing to do there'cause there's not, I mean, there is things to do there, I guess, but walking to Movie World is pretty cool. Yeah, fantastic. Testing them all in the morning, it's kind of cool.

Paul Collins:

They're testing the rides and you get to see them, yeah, right.

Kyle Will TV:

And going around and stuff. Fantastic.

Paul Collins:

Yep. And, as you've caffeinated yourself, to a high degree, what would be your favorite cafe?

Kyle Will TV:

Uh, probably Bear Boy, actually. Yeah, I think it's Hope Island. Is that bear like

Paul Collins:

nude or bear like grr, growl? Bear like a grr.

Kyle Will TV:

Grr. Growl. Yeah, I'm pretty sure

Paul Collins:

it's bear boy, yeah. Grr, not brr. Bear boy.

Kyle Will TV:

Hope Island? Yeah, Hope Island. Hope Island. Yeah. Bear boy and Hope Island. It is amazing. There you go. Alright, I trust you. Hands down. Let me know if you go and try it. I'm

Paul Collins:

going to go and try it. The food is stellar. Is that right? Oh man. General Australian cafe food, that

Kyle Will TV:

sort of thing. I had a brisket sandwich the other day. Oh don't. Oh mate, oh. And it's not like your heated up brisket that's been frozen overnight. It's, oh, mate. Okay, I'm going there. Yeah, it's enough. Fair boy.

Paul Collins:

Lucky we're going to a restaurant after this, so. Oh, brilliant. And, alright, so here's your cafe. And I think that's who's last guest put cafe. Mm hmm. Restaurant. How about restaurant?

Kyle Will TV:

Okay, that's gonna take a minute. Oh dear. I'm quite the foodie, so I'm just gonna like...

Paul Collins:

Well, you don't have to. If you don't have a favourite restaurant, I don't

Kyle Will TV:

mind. I was just like, where's the best food experience I've had recently is probably the best way I can do it. I went to Galaxies here in Southport a little while ago and it was pretty good. Serving sizes I wasn't happy with, I'm quite a big eater even though I'm little. No. And yeah, I

Paul Collins:

know. Going on your past history, I don't believe you and I still eat like

Kyle Will TV:

I did a lot, but healthily, but yeah, healthily and I trained so much I can offset little bit. Okay.

Paul Collins:

Of course galaxies.

Kyle Will TV:

Yeah. Galaxy seafood. It was, yeah, it was pretty good. I'll not go there'cause I'm allergic to seafood. Okay. Okay. Brazilian barbecue, second in surface paradise. That was unreal. And I ate, My body weight in food, and then I had to be rolled out in a wheelbarrow. Can

Paul Collins:

you believe they have that little green and red sign that don't bring any more meat? You can get rid of

Kyle Will TV:

that. Yeah. No, just keep bringing meat. Yeah. Keep coming. Crocodile next. What else you got? Come on. Crocodile. I had crocodile.

Paul Collins:

That's good. Well, there you go. Uh, what's your favorite thing about the Gold Coast?

Kyle Will TV:

Uh, the atmosphere, the energy. That's the quickest, easiest response I can give because when I moved up here six months ago, I. Walking through surfers just feel so energised and want to walk more and want to be more active. And there's people walking everywhere and everyone's got a coffee. I've never had so many social interactions that I have in the street in Gold Coast. They just walk up and they're like, hey, how you going? I'm like, oh yeah, pretty good. They're like, oh yeah, I just moved here, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, oh yeah, cool, that's cool, yeah, I love it here, yeah, me too.

Paul Collins:

Yes, good morning. Good afternoon. Hello all the time. Everybody's lovely. I think I take it for granted now because I've been in for 23 years On the gold coast

Kyle Will TV:

like 46 times longer than me

Paul Collins:

I don't know you you're a math genius. I don't know if i'd be able to do that. I think it was pretty easy I suppose it was pretty is only double wasn't it? Yeah, good god. Yeah edit that bit out. Yeah, let's edit it off the live Please my terrible math that you did not hear it That's probably the heart Um, do you have any, a favorite podcast you just, you say you listen to those, you read and all that sort of stuff, but what about a podcast? Maybe you don't, and I will edit that out.

Kyle Will TV:

I, um, I love the Rogan podcast. I do. Yeah, I do. I love the Rogan podcast. I just like, I really respect Joe Rogan and everything he says. And, um, I just really like that he brings people on and he's just so blunt. You know, it's not like I care about what you're going to say back to me. He just goes. And just unloads it.

Paul Collins:

Yeah. This is, this is what I think.

Kyle Will TV:

Yeah. Here you go. Take it or leave it. And that I love don't like it.

Paul Collins:

I'm gonna shoot an elk and eat it in front of you. Yeah,

Kyle Will TV:

exactly. And I like that. I love the authenticity behind it. You know,

Paul Collins:

and this is a question from, uh, the previous guest, I think, but I may be so lazy that it's the same question for the last three people. Mm-hmm. Uh, but it's my podcast and I can cry if I want to. You can do whatever you want. Exactly right. Um, what would be, well, I think it's quite, It's apt for you. What is one piece of advice you would give your 20 year

Kyle Will TV:

old self? 20 year old. So, uh, definitely it would be bro. Start looking into your health right now And that would be the most beneficial you could do that beneficial thing you could do for your future, bro Don't do it 12 years later Do you

Paul Collins:

think 20 year old you would listen to yourself?

Kyle Will TV:

Oh, he was a brat man. So probably not probably not but I could try I could try.

Paul Collins:

Maybe, cause he sees how cool you are now and what he's done. Oh

Kyle Will TV:

bro, like you're doing all right. Yeah. If you listen, you'll be 10 times the person by then. Oh, okay. That sounds

Paul Collins:

good. Okay. I will do it selfishly or whatever. It doesn't matter. Does it mate? That's, that's my question. So I feel a bit dizzy. Yeah.

Kyle Will TV:

I'm sorry. I do move at the

Paul Collins:

speed of light. It's good. No, as it should be. I loved it. I should maybe, uh, put whatever's in your coffee. I'm going to have more of. Do you have any last words? For the listeners or for lovely people watching your live stream Uh, yeah, don't

Kyle Will TV:

hold back do what you do what you want to do in life If you haven't found your purpose yet Look for it If you don't know how to look for it look up how to make a purpose chart And if you still can't figure it out just keep looking because once you find it everything just comes so easy Like so much easier. It's nothing's a struggle when you're working towards what you're meant to be doing do it

Paul Collins:

Wow, do it. Yeah. In the wise words of Nike, just do it. Fantastic. See, maybe I want a sponsorship deal as well. Guys on Instagram live. Thank you so much for watching and smashing that little heart or whatever button is that you have to press to support Kyle. It's very, very cool. And listeners, thank you for listening. Talk to you soon. Bye.