The Most Intelligent Selection - Gold Coast

From Near-Death to Sales Success: Rob Hawkes' Inspirational Journey

Paul Collins

From Rob's About page (Check out his website here):
Having survived a life-threatening illness in 2009 & spending over 15 years in sales, Rob is now one of the most sought after communication & sales coaches in Australia. He has coached & trained over 1000 individuals and businesses (SME & Corporate) including Mercedes Benz, Laser Clinics Australia & National Storage. 

Rob has spoken in front of thousands of people. both in-person & online speaking events with the likes of Andrew Banks, Steve Baxter & Anna Samios.

Here's a breakdown of what we discussed in the episode:

The Evolution of Rob's Career

The Appeal of Diversification

Childhood Aspirations

The Turning Point in New Zealand

Post-Holiday Blues and Depression

Finding the Desire to Help

Crafting a Path Forward

 The Pressure on Young People

Shifting Identities

Consistency in Compassion

Early Career Aspirations

The Journey to Sales and Exploration

Entering the World of Sales

Transition to University

Choosing a Path in Social Care

University Experience and Meeting His Wife

Transition from Wanting to Helping to Actually Helping

Work Placement in Special Education

Dissertation on Integration of Children with Down Syndrome

Life-Altering Health Challenge

Hospitalization and Life Support

Recovery and Rehabilitation

The Statistical Odds and Unpredictability

The Faith and Perspective on Life

Check out his Instagram here.